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January 4, 2005

Back to Classes

Well it's the first day of Term 2 here at UBC. My day started at 8:00 and ended 7.5 hours later. Overall, it was an unproductive day, as first days always are.

First class was Halevy's Econ 303, where much time was spent learning about the Aplia e-learning system and basic probability. All of which I know about because I took an entire probability course already and I used Aplia with Halevy's 201 class two years ago. Thus I took the time to finish off Surprise, Security, and the American Experience.

I learned again today that I can sustain about three hours of alertness from the start of my first class (four if the material is interesting), because I started dozing off in Yilankaya's Econ 421 class, which comes right after that three-hour window. The fact that he really can't speak English and rambled endlessly about how game theory is used without actually stating how game theory works didn't help. This is a bit distressing because I'm hoping to whoop this course's butt (it's heavy on the logic and math) and evidently I'll need to be able to do this while half passed out. Even worse was that I was just about to start reading Colossus when he dismissed us, so I didn't even get to start on that book until I got home.

After another 1.5-hours break, I ended at Gonzalez's Econ 307 class. Finally, a prof was trying to be interesting and introduce some insight into what we will actually get out of the class. Also, he spoke actual English, as opposed to whatever tongues that Halevy and Yilankaya produced. Unfortunately, it's an honours course, so I'll have to wait to see whether he lets me in.

All in all, two classes of useless first-day chit-chat and one class that I might not even get in. Not bad at all.

Posted by Kelvin at January 4, 2005 9:50 PM

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