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May 5, 2005

One Hour of My Life Wasted

I think DRBC thinks of itself much too highly, but their statement on the leaders' debate mirror my own feelings pretty well:

And the winner is? Tom Morino, who didn’t have the opportunity to liven up that farce of what they called a debate. Carole James was smiling through the whole thing and made her look guilty of impersonating a politician. Adrian [sic] Carr certainly did know her left from her right, and that is the extent of her performance. And last, but maybe least, Gordon Campbell did a very poor job of looking the least bit interested.

Seriously, there were times when I felt like throwing a rock at the TV: there was no way that the sorry excuse for a debate could've enlightened anyone about anything. I forced myself to watch as much as I can, but only because I thought it was my civic duty to pretend to pay attention to these things.

And WTF was with Carole James? I never realized that people can talk and smile so much at the same time, and I'm a bit creeped out after witnessing her do it.

Posted by Kelvin at May 5, 2005 11:52 PM

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