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February 8, 2006

Say Yes to More Illegality

UPDATE (2007-06-02, 9:15 AM PDT): this page has been the source of more Google grief than I could ever have imagined. An innocent picture of Emma Watson has sent in a flood of Google Images searches, most of which I can assume to be innocently looking for pictures of the actress. Nonetheless, the noticeable proportion of searchers looking for her with other much less tasteful search terms (e.g., "booob", "neude", "underware", "jailbate", misspelled to avoid more Google silliness), is highly disturbing.

The point of this post was to support increasing the age of consent, and yet the traffic it has generated seems to point strongly toward the opposite. In response, and to give my web host some relief, I've deleted the image and ask that any perv searchers to click the “Back” button before they resume their fapping.

You should go to jail for doing this.

Which is why I unequivocally approve of Vic Toews' plan to raise the age of consent to sixteen years. Because anyone that thinks a Gr. 9 student can consent to sex with a high school graduate is delusional. Maybe Irwin Colter, the Liberals and the Bloc have convinced themselves that existing laws are enough, but being less than a decade removed from being fourteen years old myself, I am fully aware that children of that age are not emotionally or intellectually mature enough to be having sex with an adult.

Note: Emma Watson was born on April 15, 1990, and will turn sixteen years old this April.

Posted by Kelvin at February 8, 2006 11:45 PM

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First, my sympathies. The Liberation Campaign of 1812 did not go quite as well as we intended, so the two occupied States of Upper Canada and Lower Canada still face the tyranny of the British Throne. But rest assured as long as a descendant of our hated nemesis, George III, has his boot (or her heel, as the case may be) around the neck of our northern brothers, we Revolutionaries will not cease in our striving to bring freedom to the northern, if otherwise blighted, wastes.


More specifically, I don't think emotion or intellectual maturity as such are necessary for consent.

There's good research indicating that about half the population of Western countries are generally incapable of formal (abstract, mature, whatever) reasoning. By this measure, concent could never be given by half of all adults.

Perhaps there is an issue of emotional maturity, but here too it's clear many adults do not have this. If you're going to grant the right to give consent only to those with an EQ above some quotient, you're going to be disenfranchising a lot of adults.

Perhaps there is some body-kinesthetic measure that one is aiming for out of health reasons. But here, the civilized world (and I assume, even the colonies of Tyrannous Windsoria) issues licenses for another body-kinesthetic task: driving. If you're concerned about one's physical maturity in a situation, grant licences for it.

It seems the real issue is when each particular youngster is ready for sex. This is a question for families, not governments.

Posted by: dan tdaxp at February 17, 2006 8:00 PM

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